
Are Facebook ads applicable to my Business

We’ve lost count of the number of times we’ve seen certain products or services smashing it on Facebook, whilst we’ve been watching thinking “I can’t believe anyone is buying this, let alone from seeing a Facebook ad!”. You can test any idea on Facebook, and can usually tell within the first spend whether the campaign will be successful of not.

Speaking broadly, B2C generally does far better on Facebook than B2B. That doesn’t mean to say B2B isn’t effective; you can target pretty much anyone on Facebook.

Is your target audience active on Facebook? Chances are, the answer is yes, as most of the population is active on Facebook. It all comes down to your approach and how you speak to them. Physical items do extremely well on Facebook, as do events, and anything else people can share and tag friends/family in. Some things are harder to market than others on FB, and some things are more suitable for Google Adwords, rather than Facebook marketing. Generating leads on Facebook is something we swear blind by, as well as retargeting.

Facebook gathers a lot of data on its users, from location and gender to more specific things like interests and certain behaviours E.G. Interested in horses or buys luxury brands.

This information can be used to your advantage when running a marketing campaign from the Facebook ads manager, which you can find on your Facebook business account. You create this by going to business.facebook.com. Free, quick and easy to set up.

When you’re running you can choose who exactly it goes in front of, and you can optimise your campaign for the result you want. Once you know who you want your ad to go in front of (we’ll get into the when and where later), you then need to determine what you want them to do. You can optimise your Facebook campaign for a variety of different objectives:

  • Website visits
  • Purchases
  • Messages to your Facebook page
  • Video views
  • Downloads
  • Opt-ins
  • Appointments
  • Phone Calls

Facebook will then show your ad to the people in the audience you’ve specified. It will spend your money wisely when doing this and will aim to complete your objective for as little cash as possible. The more pixel data you have, the more accurate your ads will be (more on that later too).

So where do your ads show up?

  • In the news feed on mobile and/or desktop (you’ve likely seen these before, they look like any other post but have “sponsored” in little grey text in the top left corner)
  • In the sidebar (those little-classified ads style ones you see)
  • Between video content (a bit like a TV advert)
  • Instagram, in the form of posts in the feed, or between Instagram stories.
  • Facebook audience network (a variety of banners and other things across the web, most people switch this one off, always)

So there you have it, the main components of how a Facebook ad works. There are tonnes of other things we could mention but we hope this simple explanation will suffice for now! Furthermore, the Instagram platform is synonymous with Facebook, so you can run ads on Instagram as well as Facebook.

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